Words Matter: Found, Created or Imagined
This Call for entries has closed… Full results were posted/emailed on Friday 5/5
In the meantime, work has been accepted from:
Christine Acebo, Judi Altman, Sheldon Bachus, Elizabeth Bernstein, Sharon Bibeault, Jim Bremer, Greg Buening, Ronald Butler, Rupert Chambers, Michael Corthell, Briar Craig, David Current, John Diephouse, Mark Dixon, Jean Duffy, Jon Dunning, Andrew Epstein, Ellen Feldman, Gail Gelburd, Richard Golden, John Greiner- Ferris, Dave Hanson, Marc Jaffe, Gregory Jundanian, Marky Kauffmann, Gerald Klein, Colin Knight, James Long, Marilyn LowneyJohnson, Ellen Mahaffy, Denise Marcotte, Kathryn Matthews, Vicky McGrath, Kyle Mendelsohn, Brittany Metz, Alejandra Moral Duenas, Paul Murray, Julie O’Connor, Marlisse Payamps, Linda Plaisted, Howard Pohl, Michael Rainey, Anna Reich, Richard Schramm, Liz Albert and Shane VanOosterhout, Robert Silance, John Simboli, Jerry Smith, David Sokosh, William Mark Sommer, Emily Stoermer, Alessandra Suuberg, Isabelle Tadmoury, Cynthia Taft, Rustam Tahir, John Verner, Caren Winnall, Isabel Winson- Sagan, Tom Wojick, Madeleine Wories & Alex Yelenoc
If you entered work, check your email or CaFE account for a listing of specific images accepted.
We are looking for entries for an exhibition to explore the power of words, the power to change how we view the world or how we view a photograph. Words Matter is open to street photography, conceptual work and everything in-between with words found, created or imagined.
We are interested in exploring how words and images can make us laugh, polarize opinions, erect barriers or breakdown walls. This is an opportunity to create or submit existing work that challenges our perceptions or shines a light on how words, phrases and even off hand comments have the power to change lives. This Call is open to all photography exploring the power of words, the power to alter opinions, the power to alter how you view yourself or the world. Text need not be a part of the image itself but images should address how words alter the human experience and may include titles, captions or short statements to express, explain or alter a narrative.
Words Matter: Found, Created or Imagined
Open to all photo-based work with no limit on subject matter or technique. Entries will be judged individually.
Words Matter… an important concept, but lost on many, especially in this digital age, where lies spread faster than truth and sermons delineating the difference between Facts and Truth are all the rage. Words last long after people who spoke them have faded away… motivational, stifling, humorous or ironic the addition or inclusion of words can change how we view an image, or how we view the world.
The Words Matter exhibition will open on June 15th in tandem with Sticks & Stones by Gershon Stark a solo presentation exploring the lasting negative impact of those “words that will never hurt you”.
We are accepting entries now through April 15th, entry for Words Matter entry can be found on CaFE at https://artist.callforentry.org/festivals_unique_info.php?ID=11292
Images submitted to this call do not need to include words but should explore the idea of how words change how we feel, or how we perceive the world around us. Words Matter is open to street photography, conceptual work and everything in-between with words found, created or imagined. Text need not be a part of the image itself but images should address how words alter the human experience and may include titles, captions or short statements to express, explain or alter a narrative.
Images – Minimum: 1, Maximum: 10
Entry Fee, first image: $35.00
Media Fee (each image over minimum): $10.00
Words Matter: Found, Created or Imagined Call for Entries: – A Photography Exhibition Exploring the intersection of words & image
A juried open call to explore how words alter how we interpret a photograph or how we view the world
First Place: $150
Second Place: $100
Third Place: $50
Exhibition: Thursday, June 15th thru Friday, July 14th, 2023
Registration Deadline: April 15th
Delivery of Accepted Work: On or before June 10th
Opening Reception: June 15th 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Jurors: John Femino, Gershon Stark & David DeMelim
John Femino MD, FASAM John is both an accomplished photographer and board Certified in addiction medicine and internal medicine. John is the former Medical Director and President of the Meadows Edge Recovery Center, frequent lecturer and taught at Brown University for more than 20 years.
Gershon Stark is a photographer, artist and creative force behind Sticks & Stones, his ongoing project created to shine a light on the lasting and damaging power words can have.
David DeMelim is a photographer, graphic designer, managing director and creative force behind the Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts.
Collectively the jurors will be reviewing all entries to create an exhibition that explores the power of words, both negative and positive with eye to how words paired with or incorporated into images change how the photograph is read or interpreted. The submitted photographs need not include words, a title or caption may be enough or the image itself may represent or illustrate how words created or changed our perception of a scene.
The RI Center for Photographic Arts, RICPA 118 N. Main St. Providence, RI 02903
Located in the heart of Providence, RICPA was founded to inspire creative development and provide opportunities to engage with the community through exhibitions, education, publication, and mutual support.
RICPA exists to create a diverse and supportive community for individuals interested in learning or working in the Photographic Arts. We strive to provide an environment conducive to the free exchange of ideas in an open and cooperative space. Members should share a passion for creating, appreciating, or learning about all forms of photo-based media. We work to provide a platform for artistic expression, that fosters dialogue and drives innovation in the photographic arts. Membership can be purchased at time of entry.
The Gallery at the Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts is a member of Gallery Night Providence https://www.gallerynight.org/
Eligibility: Artists of all levels who are at least 18 years or older are invited to enter.
Artwork: Open to all forms of photographic image-making in any process or technology, current or historical. Work must be your original creation. All work must be exhibition ready, no saw-tooth hangers, please. Work that does not follow the guidelines, or is deemed not to be a faithful representation of the image submitted, will not be exhibited.
Entry Fee: Artists may submit up to 15 photographs. The entry fee is $35 for the first image and $10 for each subsequent image. Current RICPA Members receive a 20% discount on the entry fee. The discount code is posted in this Call Listing below. You must login to our website for the code to be visible. All CAFE fees are non-refundable and must be paid by credit/debit card. Payment of those fees indicates the acknowledgment of the terms and conditions of the exhibition. Juror’s decisions are final.
RICPA members: if you are reading this, you need to login for your discount code for use on CaFE to appear here.
Want to become a RICPA Member? Membership brings many benefits and discounts, for more information and to find the membership level that fits you, visit our website at https://www.riphotocenter.org/membership-info/ You may become a member at entry, member benefits begin immediately and run 365 days from your start date.
Size Limit: Maximum size 48” including the frame. Artists may have multiple pieces (diptych, triptych etc.) to make up one work.
In-Person Delivery of Accepted Work: In-person deliveries will be accepted June 10th, noon till 5:30pm or by appointment. The RICPA Gallery is located on the 2nd Floor at 118 North Main Street Providence, RI
Shipment of Accepted Work: Shipped deliveries should be scheduled to arrive by 5:00pm, June 10th. Shipped work must be accompanied by a prepaid, return label. Please make sure that you label your work on the back with your name or name on the shipping label if different.
Print Service: Save on shipping fees and take advantage of our professional print service complete with frame rental for the duration of the exhibition. Email gallery@riphotocenter.org for more information, available for accepted entries starting at for $40 prints framed up to 16” x 20”
Return of Work: For artists who delivered their art in-person pickup will be on July 14th Shipped art will be returned in the packaging in which it was sent using the provided prepaid return shipping label. The artist is solely responsible for any charges that may arise from inadequate packaging, or redirected shipments.
Sales & Commissions: The Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts retains a 40% commission on works sold, 20% for Exhibiting & Supporting Members.
Liability – Legal Agreement & Participant’s Waiver: Submission of work automatically waives any claim for damage or loss against RI Center for Photographic Arts, including the officers, members, and employees. RICPA will exercise all reasonable care in handling entries, but will not assume any liability for loss or damage while in RICPA’s possession or in transit. Work should be independently insured by the artist.
Usage Rights: The artist retains all copyright to the images submitted. By submitting images you are giving RICPA the right to use the images for the purpose of marketing the exhibition and for reproduction online. Artists grant the use of their image(s) as stated without further contact or compensation from RICPA. Artist’s recognition is provided with any use. Submitting artists will be added to RICPA’s email subscriber list. They may opt out using a link on each email at any time. RICPA reserves the right to adjust any deadline(s) as the result of causes beyond its immediate control. Payment of the submission fee indicates acknowledgment of all terms and conditions.
Questions: Contact gallery@riphotocenter.org To learn about other RICPA exhibits and programs, visit https://www.riphotocenter.org/.
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