November 2024…
Entry is open for our 5th Annual Open Community Member Exhibition
Be a Friend, Bring a Friend…
Scroll down for more details, or click the link above.
Currently in the Galleries…
Just in time for the 2024 elections we have presenting a pair of exhibitions to take a look at our country today. Snapshot America presents a broad look at the places, issues and conditions that photographers around the country submitted to this juried call. This kaleidoscopic view is paired with a quiet set of black & white photographs by member Robin W. Bailey to present a more nuanced look at the Fading landscapes and landmarks of the Midwest. Together the exhibitions provide an opportunity to reflect on the state of the country as it is in 2024.
Snapshot America:
A Portrait of the United States in 2024
Building on an idea laid down by Edward Steichen in The Family of Man exhibition, expanded on by Robert Frank in The Americans and with a small nod to 24hrs in Cyberspace, by Rick Smolan we assembled America’s portrait in 2024. A project that has been on my mind and in the planning stages for a long time, we timed this juried exhibition to be on view in the gallery as we enter the upcoming National Election. I have juried a collection of images from around the country, to look at ideas of community, friends, neighborhoods, local events, landmarks and just everyday activities that represent life in America today. These are not necessarily my ideas, but represent, in broad strokes, the views and the issues portrayed in the images submitted. This juried call was open to entries from all 50 states and 14 Territories that comprise the United States of America. While smaller in scale and scope than the three projects I drew inspiration from, I am pleased to be able to present this current portrait of these United States of America in 2024.
Glimpses of a Fading Midwest
by Robin W. Bailey
Presented in the Focus Gallery, Robin’s stunning black & white photographs look to capture the unique character of the American Midwest as it is actively being erased. This solo exhibition is being presented in tandem with Snapshot America
Join us for the opening reception on October 17th, 5:00 – 8:00pm
Coming in November
Open Community Member Exhibition
Be a Friend & Bring a Friend to this Community Building Event.
This is the third of our annual Member exhibitions, and current paid members are encouraged to invite a friend to join us in this Open Community Exhibition. Entry is free to all paid Members and their guests. Enter by November 12th. Each Member and their guest is invited to submit two photographs each. Everyone who enters will have at least one piece included and all work will be available to take home at time of purchase. Entry is open to all paid Members and membership can purchased with entry.
The gallery is open Wednesdays – Saturdays, Noon – 6:00pm or by appointment
Call For Entry:
Open Community Member Exhibition:
Be a Friend, Bring a Friend
We are wrapping up the year with our Annual Open Member Exhibition. We are encouraging our paid members to invite a guest to join us in this exhibition and help build our community. Invite a friend to exhibit as part of this open community exhibition and entry is free for both you and your guest… Help us grow and continue to provide a space to share contemporary photography and exhibit your work.
Entry is open to all paid members at any level and free for members who invite a guest to exhibit. This opportunity to exhibit and share your work is one of the benefits of membership and the third member exhibition we are hosting in 2024
Be a Friend, Bring a Friend… Entry is Free for Members who invite a friend to exhibit*
Online entry is open to paid Members through November 12th and free if you invite a guest.
Details and Entry link our website
Exhibition: Thursday, November 21st – December 15th
Delivery of Accepted Work: On or before November 16th
Opening Reception: November 21st 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Currently in the Galleries – Through November 15th
As we enter the upcoming National Election we have assembled a collection of images from around the country, snapshots of communities, friends, neighborhoods, local events, landmarks and just everyday activities that represent life in America today. This juried call was open to entries from all 50 states and 14 Territories that comprise the United States of America to create a current portrait of these United States of America today. A companion book, to include a larger collection of images, will be published to stand as a time capsule long after the exhibition has been packed away to document the unique times we live in. A Snapshot of the issues, concerns and celebrations that make up the United States of America today.
From Main Street to your Back Yard, from the everyday activities to the grand celebrations and the tragedies that touch us all, we have assembled a portrait of America from the people’s perspective.
Snapshot of America is being presented in tandem with Fading Glimpses of the Midwest
Opening Reception: October 17th
Exhibition: October 17th – November 15th
Robin’s solo exhibition features an expanded look at his ongoing fascination with, and attempt to document the unique character of the American Midwest. Robin’s work first came to our attention as entries in our juried Black & White Call and has been featured in a number of subsequent calls and Member Exhibitions. I am excited to have the opportunity to present this expanded collection of Robin’s ongoing project as he works toward making the collected works available in book form. To help fund the publication of the book, prints purchased during the first week of the exhibition will be available at $100 discount. I hope you have the opportunity to see these remarkable prints in person and enjoy this look at Middle America before it fades away or is replaced in the wave of homogenization sweeping the country.
Fading Glimpses of the Midwest is presented in tandem with Snapshot of America
Exhibition: October 17th – November 15th

Visual Storytelling with David H. Wells
The next session of our most popular workshop with David H. Wells starts March 5th. Seating is limited so register early for this project development workshop. A great way to refine an existing project, or start your first one. Covers story telling concepts, project statements, sequencing and more in a collaborative group setting. Our Back to School exhibition opening September 19th presents selections from several projects developed in previous sessions.
Register Now, Seating is limited
Sessions are held on Zoom 7:00 – 9:00pm, • March 5th • March 19th • April 16th • May 21st • June 18th • July 16th
Past Exhibitions Live On…
The Exhibition may have ended… but the exhibition lives on online.
Once a gallery presentation ends, our exhibitions remain available online… The original exhibition links remain active and our past exhibitions can found under Exhibitions> Past or order your own copy of select exhibition catalogs here
Exhibition catalogs are a new program launched in 2023 and are available for most of our exhibitions. Catalogs are available in the gallery in limited quantities and links to order can be found on the respective exhibition pages and collected here to be ordered for home delivery
Print Share:
Our next Print Share & Peer Review session is scheduled for November 13th
These peer review sessions are open to interested in sharing and commenting on work with fellow members and enthusiasts. Bring your prints to this monthly event which is generally scheduled for the Second Wednesday of each month and starts at 6:30pm. Check the events section on our website for more information and updates.
Individual Portfolio/Project Reviews:
Individual feedback opportunities are available on an ongoing basis in four different formats for 2023. These review sessions can be used to preview new work, share ideas and explore future directions or projects in development. Appointments can be scheduled online for Zoom or in person sessions at
Registration is open for our annual 20 minute individual Member review sessions.
We are also offering 45 minute one on one sessions open to the public via zoom or in person at the Gallery
New for 2022 we will also be offering “Lunch with the Director” for those interested in a more immersive conversations about your work and your goals. Lunch is included with these two hour more casual sessions. Questions can be directed to
Currently Available Online:
All of our exhibitions are available on the RICPA website, past exhibitions can be found here
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