Entry has closed, thanks to all the members who submitted work for this annual showcase and welcome to all the new members joining us for the coming year.
Email notifications have been sent to all members who entered and Work has been accepted from Members: Christine Acebo, Stephen Andrew, Bruno Benavides, Sharon Bibeault, Angela C. Brown, Julia Buteux, Bill Clark, Barbara Crane, Milicent Fambrough, John Femino, Kristie Gardiner, Bill (William) Gore, John Greiner-Ferris, Brooke Hammerle, Grace Hopkins, Bonnie Jaffe, Marc Jaffe, Donald Johnson, Margaret Kauffmann, Alison Lake, Suzanne Lovett, George Lowell, Lawrence Manning, Bob Martin, Karen McCann, Roselle McConnell, Anne McNevin, Ralph Mercer, Evelyn Miller, CE Morse, Paul M. Murray, Diana Cheren Nygren, Christine OConnell, Reed Pike, Keith Prue, Richard Prull, Dennis Stein, Carrie Usmar, Cindy Wilson & Thomas Wojick
Accepted work is due in the gallery by December 10th
Entry is free for Exhibiting & Supporting Members, $25 for up to 5 images for Members at all other levels
Entry is Open for our 4th Annual Juried Member exhibition, our chance to feature the work of our members and find members and projects to promote in 2023. This exhibition is open to all current members and is designed to provide members the chance to share work in a gallery exhibition.
Want to become a RICPA Member? Membership brings many benefits and discounts, for more information and to find the membership level that fits you, visit our website at https://www.riphotocenter.org/membership-info/ You may become a member at entry, member benefits begin immediately and run 365 days from your start date.
This exhibition has no theme other than to present the work of our members in a gallery exhibition. Entry is open to all forms of photography and subject matter new or old. This is a chance to explore or revisit work that may not fit an ongoing project or be part of your regular practice… or a chance to share old favorites. While not designed as a holiday show, it will be on display during the holiday season and purchased work will be available for visitors to take home with them off the wall.
Entry Deadline: November 7th
Entry: via email to Gallery@riphotocenter.org
Membership is required and can be purchased with your entry.
This year’s Member Exhibition will be juried by Kristin Street
Juror: Kristin Street, is an interdisciplinary artist whose focus is on works-on paper, sculpture, and photography. Active in promoting the efforts of other artists through curatorial work in the two galleries she established, The Krause Gallery in Providence RI and The Mill Gallery in Pawtucket, RI, Street has maintained an active exhibition schedule in museums and galleries locally, nationally and internationally.
Entries via email to gallery@riphotocenter.org
The required Entry form and details are available on the website, you must be logged in to our website for the Application Form to be visible. Exhibiting Members and above should contact the gallery directly.
Important Dates
Forth Annual Juried Members’ Exhibition
Registration Deadline: November 1st, 2022 via email to gallery@riphotocenter.org
Notification of Acceptance: November 15th via email. All decisions are final
Delivery of Accepted Work: December 10th Noon – 5:00pm
Opening Reception: December 15th 5:00 – 8:00pm
Exhibition: Thursday, December 15th – January 13th
Exhibition Prizes
One Member will be awarded a Solo Show in The Focus Gallery in 2023
Entry for up to five images is Free for Exhibiting & Supporting Members, $25 for Student and Community Members. Memberships can be purchased at time of entry. Membership starts by registering at https://www.riphotocenter.org/registration/. Entries are being accepted through November 1st via email to: gallery@riphotocenter.org for a show opening December 15th.
See the full Call for Entries for additional details
A link to download the entry form is included with your payment receipt. Complete and e-mail the pdf Entry Form with your jpegs and artist statement or Bio to gallery@riphotocenter.org with 4th Juried Members in the Subject line to enter. Exhibiting Members and above should email the gallery for the entry form.
Free for Exhibiting and Supporting Members, $25 for Members at all other levels.
Please pay below to complete your submission.
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