Analog Saturdays:
First Saturday of the Month
Join us in the gallery Saturday 9:30am, we’ll provide the Coffee…
Come for Coffee, Conversation and to Share the joys, (and challenges) of Analog Photography.
Open to Members, and prospective members, who are working with film, or other analog photographic process. This program will run on the first Saturday of the month, and much like our Print Share & Peer Review program, will offer participants the opportunity to share their work, their knowledge, and their resources. The program will also provide the opportunity for short presentations by members or invited presenters.
Join us Saturday, February 1st for more information, and help us build this program.
First Saturday of the Month, 9:30am
Rhode Island Center for Photographic Arts (RICPA)
118 North Main Street, 2nd Floor, Providence RI 02903 401-400-2542
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